headshot of Mark


Associate Professor
School of Education
Theresa Hall (THE) 303

School of Education


  • Ph.D. in Political Science, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.(August 1987).
  • M.A. in Political Science, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.(June 1981).
  • B.A. in Psychology, State University of New York at Stony Brook. (Since renamed Stony Brook University.) Stony Brook, NY. (August 1977).


I joined Notre Dame of Maryland University (NDMU) in 2012. I have taught research and statistics courses, required for completion of their programs, to graduate students, (mainly doctoral students) in the years I’ve been here.

I’m currently chairing nine dissertations and serve as a reader on 45 additional dissertation committees. In the years I’ve been at NDMU 33 doctoral students have gotten acceptances to present their work at the American Educational Research Association’s (AERA) annual conference, one of the top education conferences in the world. One of those AERA presenters went on to present her work at the World Educational Research Association and won an award at that conference.

In addition to teaching and advising doctoral students, I’ve provided departmental and institutional service to the institution. I’m currently the chairperson of NDMU’s Institutional Review Board (IRB), handling research requests that involve human subjects and insuring that risks to potential participants are minimized to the extent possible while maximizing benefits to the research community. I’ve served on the Committee of Faculty Research and Development (CFR&D), charged with supporting faculty development and scholarship, including the awarding of internal research grants. In the School of Education, I serve on the Ph.D. Committee. The committee provides oversight to the institution’s two research doctoral programs.

Recent Publications

  • Savick, S. L. , Thrift, G., Fenster, M. (2018). Is a “Critical Mass” of Teacher Candidates Needed in a Professional Development School to Achieve a Quality Teaching Experience. School University Partnerships. 11 (2), 47-61.
  • Dupuis. J., Savick, S. L., & Fenster, M. J. (2018?). Relationship between self-efficacy measured by the TSES scale and teacher participation in PDS activity. The Professional Educator. (Forthcoming).
  • Connor, B., Bardol, D., & Fenster, M.J. (2014). Personality Type and Leadership Style. The International Journal of Educational Organization and Leadership.
  • Schlairet, M. C., & Fenster, M. J. (2012). Clinical Judgment, Confidence, and Learning in Beginning Nursing Students: Dose and Sequence of Simulation and Direct Care Experiences. Journal of Nursing Education 51(12), 668-75. Doi: 10.3928/01484834-20121005-03

Honors and Awards

  • 2013 Lorne H. Woollatt Distinguished Paper Award from the Northeastern Educational Research (NERA) for the following paper: Developing Basic and Higher Level Reading Processing Skills: Exploring Reading Instruction with the PIRLS Database.
  • 2007 Lorne H. Woollatt Distinguished Paper Award from the Northeastern Educational Research Association (NERA) for the following paper: Teacher Candidate Performance to their Students’ Subject Specific Academic Achievement using TWS Methodology.
  • 2006 Distinguished Paper Award. Presented by the Georgia Educational Research Association for the following paper: Does Playing for a National Championship Adversely Impact Grades of Student Athletes?

External Grants

  • Evaluation of a Marketable Skills Initiative: Improving Student Learning. Funding Agency: Community in Schools, Alexandria VA. Principal investigator. Period of Grant: November 1, 2003-October 30, 2004. Amount of Grant: $50,000. Original Source of Funding: The U.S. Department of Labor.
  • Designing the Evaluation of Marketable Skills: Improving Student Learning. Funding Agency: Community in Schools, Alexandria VA. Principal investigator. Period of Grant: December 19, 2001-December 31, 2002.Amount of Grant: $40,000. Original Source of Funding: The U.S. Department of Labor.